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Caleb Hope Foundation

Appealing for Willing Hearts, Giving Hands & Raised Voices.

It is a rainy Sunday afternoon in the otherwise sunny Los Angeles. Due to my back giving out, my body crashing from overworking, and a tired spirit, I have been forced to stop today and simply catch my breath. My wife, the nursing student, always reminds me that my body is constantly fighting for me, until I push it to the limit. Thus lies the flaw in my “superman” complex.

The fact is that the Caleb Hope Foundation was born because I could not ignore the call to do my part in the mission of hope. It started with a single visit to the slums of Old Delhi, a series of small musical cabarets in New York City orchestrated and performed by talented artists in their 20s, and short term trips into the slums with my friends. There was a thrill about bringing about change one life at a time. All that was almost 8 years ago!

Today, I am almost in disbelief at how far we have come despite the challenges we have faced over the years with justice issues and fundraising challenges. Our tasks include staying connected to a team that is based in different parts of the country, chasing grants for the first time, and figuring out creative ways to sustain what we have and reach out to the destitute children who have still not found safety and provision. I must admit that it all does seem overwhelming. And so it is often important for me as the director of our cause to pause and remember that I am humanly incapable of saving the world alone.

No. Indeed my role is simply to join the creator in the renewal of all things. Along the way, other incredible individuals join hands with me to carry on the task before us. CHF has become an instrument for change because of the dynamic woman who run Bhagya, COK, Bopslove and the undercover Justice Projects, the people who work behind the scenes to make sure every penny we take in is put to good news,  those who host me in their cities to share my life’s work, and those who assist me in fundraising endeavors.

However, most of all, I find myself empowered by the very hearts of our children in India. They remain unfaltering in their love despite my limited visits, and our ability to meet only a few of their needs at a time. They are reason enough for us to keep doing our parts.

I’m personally appealing to you today to join us in spreading the word. Every single willing volunteer and penny helps. We are becoming more active on Twitter, Instagram and facebook and need your help building our community of followers. We need increased financial help in 2015 to orchestrate the local events that will allow us to generate more sponsors and grants for our orphans back in India. All it takes is the clicking of a few buttons.  We continue to exist 8 years later not because of my own abilities, but because of the partnership of willing hearts. For that, I am truly grateful. 

Jeremiah Caleb


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