Becoming a sponsor
There are three options of sponsorship through the Caleb Hope Foundation. Please scroll down for detailed information on each of our projects.To register as a sponsor, simply clock on our donation button and choose a sponsorship button. Upon your first donation, our sponsorship coordinator will respond via email to clarify your intent and personally assign you an orphan child or woman on our waiting list. As a sponsor, you may expect the following;
CHF provides a yearly report of each child / sewing woman through personal interactions made by an on site compassion team member.
Sponsors are provided with a case history of their child/women, recent photos, and a breakdown of how their money is being spent.
CHF will email each sponsor a receipt every time a contribution is received.
For the children’s protection, all letters and gifts to the children are filtered through CHF and the respective projects.
Long term sponsors are encouraged to apply to join a short term compassion team and visit their child. However due to COVID19, all trips are suspended for the present.
-Sponsorship of a Destitute Child-
Most of the children adopted by CHF are partially or completely orphaned. We generate long term sponsors from America to invest in individual children. Bhagya, an Indian based non-profit organization is a partner of the Caleb Hope Foundation, that is dedicated to encouraging, educating and empowering young children in Bangalore's slums by offering them the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and crime through a strong education, health care, and a sense of belonging.
Your monthly sponsorship of a child allows us to provide school fees, uniform, basic nutrition through the school's partnership with the Indian government, direct follow-up, and administrative costs.
Bangalore is India's third largest city. It is currently one of Asia's rapidly developing metropolitans in wealth and industry. However it also remains the home to some of the continent's worse slums. Children live in 70-square foot shanties that can house to as many of six families. Most of these homes are located in low lying areas that are affected by flooding during the monsoon season. Our focus on education allows for our children to rise above their circumstance and look toward a hope-filled future.
60% - School Fees & physical therapy
15%- Nutrition & Boarding
5% - Books & Supplies
5% - Extra Curricular
15% - Admin
ANNUAL TOTAL - $420 US / 29,000IRS
-Sponsorship of a Special Needs Child-
CHF has adopted destitute special needs children through One Life to Love. Most of these children are partially or completely orphaned. Due to financial hardship and broken homes, they have been entrusted to the care of director, Courtney and her family who keep these children with them in an ashram. We generate long term sponsors from America to invest in individual children. One Life to Live, an Indian based non-profit organization is a partner of the Caleb Hope Foundation, that is dedicated to providing care and security to young children with disabilities in Delhi by offering them a sense of belonging and expression. They are cared for by a team of dedicated widows who offer a motherly touch in a family-like environment.
Your monthly sponsorship of a child allows us to provide school fees, basic nutrition, and medical attention, direct follow-up, and administrative costs.
Delhi is the capital of India. It is especially meaningful to us because that is where CHF got its start. Delhi is densely populated with a wide contrast between the elite and the slums. While Delhi is the second wealthiest city in India, corruption ensures a massive population who live below poverty line. Delhi houses over 750 slums and most of their inhabitants are children. Many of these children are made to work as rag pickers in the landfills at an early age.
Our focus on education allows for our children with disabilities who are otherwise abandoned and marginalized, to rise above their circumstance and look toward a hope-filled future.
70% - Special education &
12% - Uniform
8% - Books
5% - Extra Curricular
15% - Admin
ANNUAL TOTAL - $420 US / 29,000IRS
-Sponsorship of a sewing woman-
Bops, our sewing program designed to support the work of Parivarthana, an Indian based non profit organization which is a partner of the Caleb Hope Foundation. Bops empowers destitute women from impoverished homes and challenging circumstances with a vocational training in professional sewing. Many of these women have been widowed or abandoned to fend for their children on their own. Bops gives them a professional trade and empowers them to be independent in society. Upon their graduation from our one year course, they are gifted with a sewing machine to start small sustaining businesses of their own.
Your monthly sponsorship of a sewing woman allows us to provide tuition fees, a sewing machine upon graduation to start their own small sustaining business, a few basic essentials, direct follow-up, and administrative costs. Unlike our child sponsorship, this is a one year commitment. Upon the completion of that year, you can either be assigned a new woman to sponsor or simply end your commitment.
Rajamundry is the seventh most populated city in the state of Andra Pradesh. It is home to a majority of Dalits, which in the Indian caste system is deemed below the untouchables. While modernization is slowly easing some of the prejudice, it is still a big problem that divides the people according to class and limits their access to justice and opportunity. Many of the families in our communities live in rural one-room mud huts.
Our focus on education allows for our destitute ladies who are otherwise abandoned and marginalized, to become independent and generate an income to break the cycle of poverty.
55% - School fees and supplies
20% - Sewing Machine
5%- Nurishment
5% - Extra Curricular
15% - Admin
ANNUAL TOTAL - $420 US / 29,000IRS