about US

Who We Are...
Caleb means “humble- service.” Named after Rev. A.S.K Caleb (1934-2002) who was born into a Brahmin family but went to live among the poorest of the poor when he was disowned at the age of 15 for becoming a Christian. He later became active in his work for Slum Gospel Mission, and was known by the children as “Radio Uncle” of India, for the stories he told on the national radio station, FEBA. His son Jeremiah’s journey to India in 2006 to trace his life and ministry led to the founding of this organization. Read about the Caleb story in the novel, “He Walks With Me”, now available on Amazon!
The mission of our organization is to bring HOPE to those who are born into circumstances
where there is none, and to those who have lost hope due to wounds and bondages inflicted
upon them throughout their lives.
We strive to invest in the young generation of the slum culture and build a firm footing for their holistic development. Their solid foundation will be comprised of hard work, education, nourishment, dreams, goals, and value for life. One of the main focuses of our mission is also to raise monetary support to mobilize the poor to improve their quality of life.

Adopting a Project
CHF raises funds to assist in the administration costs and education needs of our compassion efforts. These projects include Bhagya, Bopslove, and CHF’s own Compassion Project.
Sponsorship of Destitute Children
CHF generates sponsors from America to sponsor selected orphans on a yearly renewal basis, or a specific need. Each of these destitute children comes from extreme poverty and tragic pasts. The financial support from our sponsors provide these children with nutrition, education, medical care, housing, and holistic development. Sponsors receive personal updates from a CHF representative along with regular updates from from the respective projects.
Compassion Teams
CHF takes annual teams to the slums to serve in specific compassion projects, interact with the children and people sponsored by us, and raise leaders with a passion for social reform. These journeys involve a six month preparation period, team fundraising events, and two weeks in India. During our stay, our teams travel minimally and live amongst the orphans to experience the full extent of the culture and environment.
Rock India
CHF collaborates with bands, musicians and actors from the artist community with the opportunity to showcase their talents for the cause of our slum people. Events are held at cabaret theaters and trendy venues in the city to raise awareness. All ticket sales and proceeds go directly to the purpose of enabling more children to be rescued out of the slums and cared for through Indian Orphanages and schools. Get your tickets for the upcoming Hope Gala..

Board Members & Staff...

Jeremiah Caleb
Executive Director
Renuka Athista
Director of Bhagya

Director of Bops

Director of One Life to Love

Ratnakar ToTha Saroja Totha
Indian Directors of Bops

Board Member

Stephanie Caffee
Board Member

Board Member

Hayden Caffee
Sponsorship Coordinator
How We Began...
Every morning at 4.30AM, large dump trucks pull up to the waste lands of
North India to dispose their tons of garbage. Within minutes shadows emerge
from the darkness crawling through the piles of junk. These are the “rag pickers”
- children who frantically fill their sacks with treasures from the discarded waste,
“treasures” which they will sort through with their families (if they are blessed to
have one) dividing the glass from the plastic, paper, and other materials to sell
and feed themselves. The rag pickers, comprised of widows, orphans and
untouchables all carry heartbreaking stories of their own.
At a challenging period of my mid 20s, I traveled to India for the first time in my
life and witnessed this unjust poverty. I felt as if I was on a movie set; only what
I was standing amongst was all too real. I was in complete disbelief at the sights
around me, and yet so profoundly touched by the laughter of these children.
Upon my return to America, the visions still haunt me. The call awakens my soul reminding me that the time is NOW. We can build community and make a difference as we step out of our self-centered lifestyles to care for a world in pain. In allowing ourselves to truly see, serve and be broken, something changes in our lives. Suddenly there is a need to absorb these experiences, come home changed and impact the world around us…
Since the summer of 2006, CHF was birthed by artists and performers in New York City and has since evolved into an organization that stands with heroic missions such a Bhagya and Bops to bring about change investing in one individual at a time. We stand for justice and compassion on behalf of the otherwise defenseless and marginalized.
We strive to build community and raise leaders through the Caleb Hope Foundation. Actors, performing artists, fashion designers photographers and other talented people of our generation are invited to band together and create art to raise funds for this venture. We gather teams of young people wanting to make a difference in the world to gather supplies and visit the slums to provide medical care, teach English, organize activities for the orphan homes, and shower love upon them. We allow India to impact our lives, inspiring us to return home with a new perspective and the call to reach out to a hurting world. Please join us in our journey.
*JEREMIAH CALEB is an actor, author, and activist. He currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife Angel and their son Jonathan Gatsby. For more information on the Calebs, visit http://www.jeremiahcaleb.com

Q & A
Why India?
India contains the second largest slums in the world. The population and poverty level increases rapidly each year.
Who are the Dalits?
The name “dalit” comes from the Hindi root dal which means “suppressed” or “under oppression.” The Dalits are the lowest class of people in the Hindu caste system. While India is slowly moving away from this discrimination, the Dalits are still ostracized, persecuted and forced to perform menial tasks in order to survive in the slums.
How effective is CHF in improving these conditions?
We realize that we are not and cannot reform the unjust conditions of the poor overnight. However, we can do our part to bring change to the future of the slum people. We raise support to enable the poor to improve their quality of life, and seize the opportunities to move away from their present condition.
Is the Caleb Hope Foundation a non profit organization?
Yes. CHF is a non profit organization with a 501-c3 status. All contributions are therefore tax deductible.
Is CHF a religious or evangelistic organization?
No. We are a humanitarian organization. Our mission is simply to serve the poor and bring about social justice, regardless of class and religion.
How can I get involved?
We are constantly seeking financial support to sponsor our work, as well as volunteers to help us with design, administration, and tangible projects for our children. We also seek talented individuals in the performance industry to help us in our fundraising endeavors. If you would like to join us, please e-mail us at info@calebhopefoundation.org.
Can I go to India on an CHF Compassion Trip?
Most certainly! We encourage people to experience the colorful Indian culture and visit these wonderful people. However, as the protection and dynamic of our children and projects come first, CHF reserves the right to be selective with our teams. Due to COVID19, all trips are indefinitely on hold.